Houses For Sale in North Antrim Area£240,000+
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1 home available
Offers Over £285,000
Semi-Detached, Layde Road, Layde Road, Cushendun, Ballymena, BT44 0NL
Marketed by
Daniel McAlister & Son
Asking Price £699,950
70 Whitepark Road, Ballycastle, BT54 6LP
4 Bed Detached House with garage
Marketed by Frank A McCaughan & Son
Offers Over £375,000
5 Atlantic Avenue, Carnlough, Ballymena, BT44 0HH
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
L&B (Ballymena)
Offers Around £349,950
10 Ramoan Avenue, Ballycastle, BT54 6GA
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
McAfee Properties (Ballycastle)
Offers Over £575,000
21 Harbour Road, Carnlough, BT44 0EU
3 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
Armstrong Gordon & Co
Offers Around £375,000
62 Caman Drive, Ballycastle, BT54 6ER
5 Bed Detached Chalet
Marketed by
McAfee Properties (Ballycastle)
Offers Over £325,000
2 Curragh Hill, Carnlough, BT44 0JB
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Colin Graham Residential
Offers Around £450,000
2 Beechwood Avenue, Ballycastle, BT54 6BL
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (Lisburn Road)
Offers Over £299,000
14 Alanvale Park, Ballycastle, BT54 6AH
4 Bed Bungalow
Marketed by
P J McIlroy & Son
Offers Around £335,000
18 Ramoan Avenue, Ballycastle, BT54 6GA
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
P J McIlroy & Son
Offers Around £450,000
2 Beechwood Avenue, Ballycastle, BT54 6BL
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by McAfee Properties (Ballycastle)
Offers Over £299,950
15 The Everglades, Ballycastle, BT54 6BE
4 Bed Detached Bungalow
Marketed by
P J McIlroy & Son
47 properties found for Houses For Sale in North Antrim Area