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  4. How do I reactivate an expired property?

How do I reactivate an expired property?

Last Updated 9 Jan 2024
2 minutes to read

If you have received an email about expired listings and your properties are added and updated via a feed, then you don’t need to worry! Your feed will automatically re-list any properties that are still available!

If, however, you manually list your properties, there are 2 ways to reactivate a listing that is expired, or is due to expire.  Please see below:


1.  Log in to your PropertyPal account.


2.  At the top of the Account page, if you have properties due to expire, a message will appear at the top of this page as per the image below:




3.  Click on the ‘View Expiring Properties’ button and you will taken to a list of properties due to expire as per the image below.




4.  Click on the ‘Relist’ button on the right hand side of each property to relist.


Alternatively you can  follow the steps below:


1.  Log in to your PropertyPal account and click on ‘Properties’ at the top of the page.




2.  As you scroll down your list of properties you will see the Expired properties marked in Red and the properties about to expire marked with a green triangle beside Live as per the image below:





3.  To reactivate the property, click ‘more info’ and click on the ‘Advert’ tab as per the image below and click the button to relist the property:





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