Recently Added Property For Sale in Hillsborough
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1 home available
Asking Price £765,000
The Magennis, Cromlyn Wood, Lisburn Road, Royal Hillsborough
4 Bed Detached House (3 homes)
Offers Around £300,000
21 Park Lane Gate, Royal Hillsborough, BT26 6FT
2 Bed Apartment
Marketed by
Dalzell Estate Agents
Offers Over £439,950
3 Orchard Mews, Royal Hillsborough, BT26 6GR
4 Bed Townhouse
Marketed by
Downshire Estate Agents
Asking Price £1,100,000
113 Comber Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6NA
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Simon Brien (South Belfast)
1 home available
Asking Price £799,950
The Downshire, Cromlyn Wood, Lisburn Road, Royal Hillsborough
4 Bed Detached House
Asking Price £550,000
2 Mill Pond Manor, Hillsborough, BT26 6TD
2 Bed Ground Floor Apartment
Marketed by
Robert Wilson Estate Agents (Moira)
Offers Over £675,000
43 Lakeland Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6PW
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by Rodgers & Browne
Asking Price £279,000
1 Lintagh Park, Annahilt, Royal Hillsborough, BT26 6QZ
3 Bed Detached Bungalow
Marketed by
Alexander Reid & Frazer Estate Agents
1 home available
Asking Price £635,000
The Cranleigh, Cromlyn Wood, Lisburn Road, Royal Hillsborough
4 Bed Detached House
1 home available
Asking Price £609,950
The Bayswater, Cromlyn Wood, Lisburn Road, Royal Hillsborough
4 Bed Detached House (2 homes)
Offers Around £197,500
54 Old Mill Heights, Royal Hillsborough, BT26 6RF
3 Bed Semi-detached Bungalow
Marketed by
Dalzell Estate Agents
Offers Over £535,000
17 Edentrillick Hill, Hillsborough, BT26 6PQ
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (Lisburn)
Handy tools
50 properties found for Recently Added Property For Sale in Hillsborough