Recently Added Property For Sale in Lurgan Area
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1 home available
Prices From £267,500
French, Longridge At The Hollows, Gilford Road, Lurgan
4 Bed Detached House (4 homes)
2 homes available
Asking Price £172,500
Russell, Longridge At The Hollows, Gilford Road, Lurgan
3 Bed Semi-detached House (2 homes)
2 homes available
Price £230,000
Madden, Longridge At The Hollows, Gilford Road, Lurgan
4 Bed Semi-detached House (2 homes)
1 home available
Asking Price £270,000
Lewis, Longridge At The Hollows, Gilford Road, Lurgan
4 Bed Detached House
Asking Price £199,950
6 Knightsbridge, Dollingstown, BT66 7DB
4 Bed Semi-detached Chalet Bungalow
Marketed by
Robert Wilson Estate Agents (Moira)
Offers Around £139,950
75 Carrigart Manor, Tullygally, Craigavon, BT65 5ES
3 Bed End-terrace House
Marketed by
Marc Fegan - Bespoke Estate Agent (Lurgan)
Offers Around £199,500
15 Trinity Square, Magheralin, BT67 0WP
3 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
Locale Home Sales & Lettings
Offers Over £270,000
15 Winona Lodge, Donaghcloney, BT66 7GE
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
Offers Around £199,500
35 Demesne Grove, Moira, BT67 0DS
3 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
Locale Home Sales & Lettings
Offers Around £139,000
271 Belvedere Manor, Lurgan, BT67 9NZ
3 Bed Townhouse
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
1 home available
Prices From £182,500
The Bluestone, Dickson's Wood, Craigavon
3 Bed Semi-detached House (10 homes)
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
1 home available
Coming Soon
Hta, Silverwood Avenue, Silverwood Avenue, Lurgan
Four bedroom detached
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
Handy tools
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BlearyAghagallonWaringstownAghaleeDollingstownDonaghcloneyMagheralinMoiraMoira AreaCraigavon378 properties found for Recently Added Property For Sale in Lurgan Area