Property For Sale in Dunmurry£450,000 Max, Sorted by Price (High to Low)
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Offers Around £425,000
13 Edenvale Meadows, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0EG
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
McGeown Estate Agents
Offers Over £395,000
Detached Residence And Annex @, 73 Colinglen Road, Belfast, BT17 0LW
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Ulster Property Sales (Andersonstown)
Guide Price £349,950
12 Mayfield Square, Blacks Road, Belfast, BT10 0QR
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by McGranaghan Estate
Offers Around £340,000
13 Edenvale Park, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0EJ
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Fetherstons (South Belfast Office)
Offers Over £335,000
19 Ulster Avenue, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 9BN
3 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (Lisburn Road)
Guide Price £330,000
37 Beechlawn Avenue, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 9NL
4 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
Ulster Property Sales (Lisburn Road)
Offers Around £299,950
26 Mayfield Square, Belfast, BT10 0QR
5 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
McGeown Estate Agents
Offers Over £299,950
30 Ashley Park, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 9EH
3 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Fetherstons (South Belfast Office)
Offers Over £294,950
46 Killeaton Park, Derriaghy, Belfast, BT17 9HE
3 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
McGranaghan Estate
Offers Over £289,950
29 Mount Eagles Way, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0WT
4 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
McGranaghan Estate
Offers Around £264,950
House And Apartment With Yard & Outbuildings, 78 Upper Dunmurry Lane, Belfast, BT17 0PS
5 Bed Detached House
Marketed by
Ulster Property Sales (Andersonstown)
Offers Around £250,000
28 Sunnymede Avenue, Belfast, BT17 0PX
3 Bed Semi-detached House
Marketed by
TMC Estate Agents (Andersonstown)
Handy tools
50 properties found for Property For Sale in Dunmurry