DSB Developments
Contact details
165 Knockan Road, Rathkenny
Ballymena, BT43 7LP
Recently Added Properties
1 home available
Price £265,000
House Type Darnley Brick LHS, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
4 Bed Detached House (3 homes)
1 home available
Price £204,950
House Type Blackthorn White Render, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
3 Bed Semi-detached House (5 homes)
2 homes available
From £194,950 to £204,950
House Type Abercorn White Render, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
3 Bed Semi-detached House (5 homes)
1 home available
Prices From £199,950
House Type Abercorn A Red Brick, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
3 Bed Semi-detached House (3 homes)
2 homes available
From £194,950 to £204,950
House Type Blackthorn Red Brick, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
3 Bed Semi-detached House (6 homes)
4 homes available
From £194,950 to £204,950
House Type Abercorn Red Brick, Kilmakee Hall, Doury Road, Ballymena, BT43 6FW
3 Bed Semi-detached House (6 homes)