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  4. I have featured my property but its not showing, what do I do?

I have featured my property but its not showing, what do I do?

Last Updated 12 Jun 2024
Less than a minute to read

Before contacting us about your featured listing, we ask that you check a couple of things.

Please have a look at your order confirmation email you received when you placed your order.  On this email you will see the areas you have chosen to feature your property and the dates that you have chosen.  You can see an example on the screenshot below:


Please go to and search for one of the areas you have chosen to feature your property (provided this is not for a date in the future) and your property should be showing as one of the top 3 properties.


You can also check the views graph at the bottom of the property details page, as you should be able to see the spike in views since the property was featured.


If you still are unable to see the featured listing, please contact us by submitting the form below.


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