Agricultural Property For Sale in Lurgan AreaSorted by Price (High to Low)
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Offers Around £260,000
Lands, Adj To, Bowen's Lane, Lurgan, BT66 7JA
Agricultural Land
Marketed by
Robert Wilson Estate Agents (Moira)
Offers Around £150,000
South Of, 34 Milltown Road, Donaghcloney, BT66 7NE
Agricultural Land (with no PP)
Marketed by
Stewart Estate Agents
Farm Adj To 26, Lisnasure Road, Donaghcloney, BT66 7NN
Agricultural Land
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
Boghead Bridge Road, Aghalee, Craigavon, BT67 0EF
Agricultural Land
Marketed by
Hewitt Property Agents
Land Adj To, 29a Derrycarne Road, Portadown, BT62 1PT
Agricultural Land
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
Rock House, 2 Rock Lane, Aghagallon, BT67 0AX
Farm or Small Holding
Marketed by
Joyce Clarke Estate Agents
Handy tools
Nearby towns and cities
BlearyAghagallonAghaleeDollingstownDonaghcloneyWaringstownMagheralinMoiraMoira AreaCraigavon6 properties found for Agricultural Property For Sale in Lurgan Area