43.7 Acres, Ballybunion Road43.7 Acres, Ballybunion Road43.7 Acres, Ballybunion Road

43.7 Acres, Ballybunion Road,

SHRONE 43.7 Acres Ballybunion Road, West, Listowel


Price €249,000

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Contact Dillon Prendiville Auctioneers

PSR Licence: 004105

+353 68 21739

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****UNDER OFFFER**** 17.7 Ha/43.7 Acres contained in Folio KY1191- Plan 1191. The parcel is set out in one lot with some 12 Ha/29.6 Acres forestry plantation 10.14 Ha/25 Acres.

Non-residential holding extending to some 17.7 Ha/43.7 Acres contained in Folio KY1191- Plan 1191. The parcel is set out in one lot with some 12 Ha/29.6 Acres forestry plantation 10.14 Ha/25 Acres, contract number CN35176 with Sitka Spruce and Alder.

The farm land extends to 5.7 Ha/14.1 Acres set out over two fields. There is a farmyard with gated access, concrete slab, extensive farm buildings and slatted units.

The holding is located along the Ballybunion road some 4km west of Listowel with frontage onto the public road and shared private cul de sac.

For further details please call Dillon Prendiville Auctioneers 068-21739.


4 Bay Round Roof Shed 19.0m x 7.5m With attached lean-to shed 19.0m x 13.3m

Lean-to Cubicle Shelter 17.5m x 2.0m

3 Bay Round Roof Cubicle Shed 14.0m x 6.5m

Lean-to Stores 10.0m x 4.5m

A Framed Slatted Unit 15.0m x 15.0m With concrete walls, feed barrier and cattle crush (asbestos clad roof).


Non-residential holding with large farmyard.

Large double gated vehicle access to set down concrete yard.

Great potential - suiting a variety of interests.

Forestry plantation and farm land.

Proximity to Listowel town.

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