Tillysburn Park, Holywood Road, Belfast,
Belfast, BT4 2LN
Commercial Land
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For Sale
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Commercial Land
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(Up to 4.7 acres)
Lands Suitable for Recreation and Sporting use.
The lands are situated between the Sydenham Bypass and the Holywood Road, in a very accessible location a short distance from the Tillysburn Roundabout.
To use the demised premises for open space purposes only and buildings associated with the use of the demised premises for sporting or recreational purposes.
The land will be sold with the benefit of a right of way over the lands edged Green.
£325,000 per acre
The subject is zoned BT 113 in BMAP 2015 (although has been designated as BT 095). This is a Local Landscape Policy Area of Existing Open Space of both amenity and conservation value. Planning Policy 8 (PPS 8) refers to Open Space, Space and Outdoor Recreation; Policy OS1 states:H&W Welders, Playing Fields, Tillysburn Park, Holywood Road
The department will not permit development that would result in the loss of existing open space or land zoned for the provision of open space. The presumption against the loss of existing open space will apply irrespective of its physical condition and appearance.
An exception will be permitted where it clearly shows that redevelopment will bring substantial community benefits that decisively outweigh the loss of the open space.
An exception will also be permitted where it is demonstrated that the loss of open space will have no significant detrimental impact on the amenity, character or biodiversity of an area and where either of the following circumstances occur:
In the case of an open space of 2 hectares or less, alternative provision is made by the developed which is at least as accessible to current users and at least equivalent in terms of size, usefulness, attractiveness, safety and quality; or
In the case of playing fields and sports pitches within settlement limits, it is demonstrated by the developer that the retention and enhancement of the facility can only be achieved by the development of a small part of the existing space – limited to a maximum of 10% of the overall area- and this will have no adverse effect on the sporting potential of the facility. This exception will be exercised only once.