Suites 1 & 2, 20 Queens StreetSuites 1 & 2, 20 Queens StreetSuites 1 & 2, 20 Queens Street

Suites 1 & 2, 20 Queens Street,

Derry / Londonderry, BT48 7EQ


£24,000 per year

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Contact OKT (Coleraine)

+44 28 7034 4244

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£24,000 per year

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  • City Centre Office Suites within a Landmark property
Derry City is Northern Ireland’s second largest City and is located 70 miles North West of Belfast. Its catchment includes the entirety of the North West of Northern Ireland and the majority of Co Donegal. The City has a resident population in excess of 107,000 and a catchment population estimated at approximately 225,000 persons.

The subject property is located on the corner of Queen Street and Great James Street which has a mix of professional users and service occupiers, to include One Dental Practice, Quigley, Grant & Kyle, Solicitors, Zen Hairdressing Salon with the Royal Mail Depot located to the east of the subject.

The property is of stone construction and finished to a high standard, with owners willing to assist an incoming tenant with certain modifications to tie in with their requirements.

The subject benefits from a high volume of passing trade and is suitable for a wide variety of uses subject to any necessary planning consents.

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