Site At, KillonanSite At, KillonanSite At, Killonan

Site At, Killonan,

Castletroy, Limerick


Price €275,000

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Contact Property Partners de Courcy O'Dwyer

PSR Licence: 002371

+353 61 410 410

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The subject site is on Newtown Mews Road approximately 0.5 km from Monaleen Stores on the outskirts of the suburb of Monaleen. This location consists of mainly one off houses and farmland while benefitting from being a short drive to all local services and amenities to include shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, churches, schools along with the University of Limerick and National Technological Park.

The subject site comprises of approximately 0.32 hectares (0.79 acres) and is triangular shaped in configuration and level in gradient. The subject site has road frontage of approximately 30 metres and a depth of approximately 95m.

Planning Permission
The subject property previously benefitted from full planning permission for a two storey detached house of approximately 3,000 Sq. Ft. which is now lapsed. Planning application no. 06/2170.

Planning Eligibility
As per the Limerick County Council Development Plan 2022/2028 the site is defined as being located in the following area:
Rural Housing Category 1 / Area Under Strong Urban Influence - this means any purchaser applicant looking for planning permission will have to meet certain defined criteria as set out in the plan (copy of same available on request).

The vendor of the subject site is prepared to agree the sale subject to a six month exclusivity period to any proposed purchaser whereby allowing the time for the proposed purchaser to submit their planning application.


The subject site is located in the townland of Killonan just a short distance from the suburb of Monaleen. The subject site is located approximately half a kilometre from Monaleen Stores in a residential and agricultural area. This location is considered one of Limerick's best residential areas.


Travelling down the Monaleen Road from the Dublin Road you will come to a crossroads where Monaleen Stores is located. continue straight through the crossroads keeping Monaleen Stores on your left. The subject site is located c. half a kilometre on this road on the left hand side. Agents board is on site.

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