what3words /// purveyors.prefers.bureau
Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.
We offer a FREE no-obligation sales appraisal and valuation for those who are selling or those that are contemplating selling. We would of course be delighted to hear from you with a view to assisting with your property requirements be it advisory, transactionary or otherwise.
Information is provided subject to the principle of caveat emptor and so parties are put on notice of the following: (i) No statement or measurement contained in any correspondence, brochure or advertisement issued by the Vendor or any agent on behalf of the Vendor relating to the Subject Property shall constitute a representation inducing the Purchaser to enter into the sale or any warranty forming part of this Contract; (ii) Any statements, descriptions or measurements contained in any such particulars or in any verbal form given by or on behalf of the Vendor are for illustration purposes only and are not to be taken as matters of fact; (iii) Any mis-statement, mis-description or incorrect measurement given verbally or in the form of any printed particulars by the Vendor or any person on the Vendor’s behalf shall not give rise to any cause of action claim or compensation or to any right of rescission under this Contract; (iv) No right of action shall accrue against any agent, employee, or other person whatsoever connected directly or indirectly with the Vendor whereby any mistake, omission, discrepancy, inaccuracy, misstatement or misrepresentation may have been published or communicated to the Purchaser during the course of any representations or negotiations leading up to the sale; and (v) The Contract of Sale constitutes the entire agreement between the parties thereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and extinguishes any representations or warranties (if any) previously given or made excepting those contained in the Contract of Sale and no variation shall be effective unless agreed and signed by the parties or by some person duly authorised by each of them. That said, interested parties are encouraged to seek a professional opinion(s) in relation to any aspect of the purchase and or concerns they may have, prior to exchange of Contracts. Please be further advised that measurements are generally taken at the widest point in each room and so may not multiply to equate to the floor area of each room given architectural indents, rooms protruding into one another, l-shaped or other alternative shaped rooms, etc. Distances are approximated and rounded. Information is provided to the best of our knowledge. Additionally, in certain cases some information may have been provided by the vendor or third parties to ourselves.