Featured Listing

Promote your listing on PropertyPal to get more exposure and put your property in front of the right people

  • Enhanced

    listing with additional photographs for your selected search

  • 3 times

    the click-through rate to the property details page

  • 1.5 times

    more enquiries than a standard listing

150%more enquiries
Get more enquiriesStand outBe area specific

Stand out

Adverts are periodically boosted above standard ads and are larger than the size of a standard ad

Be area specific

Promote your property in an area(s) specifically chosen by you for as long as you want

Increase exposure

Reach more buyers by appearing at the top of the search results every week for the duration of your order

Get more enquiries

Featured properties receive 150% more email enquiries than standard ads

Final cost of a featured listing is determined by search terms and duration of listing.

Featuring a property can give it a much needed boost in views and enquiries

Featured Listings take pride of place at the top of our search results, making them more visible to the 1 million+ users who visit our website every single month.

Estate Agent Featured Listing

What you get

  • Increase the exposure of your property by pushing it higher up our search results

  • Reach active property seekers as they scroll through properties to buy or rent

  • Promote your property both in and outside your area. Target any and as many locations as you like

  • Gets one and a half times as many views as a standard listing