Oakley Park,
Agricultural Land
Asking Price €435,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Agricultural Land
Property Features
40 acres
Property Financials
Asking Price €435,000
Property Engagement
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Non residential farm on c.40 acres located c.4km from Kells town along the R164 Kells to Moyntalty Road.
Folios MH17361 & Part MH20455F.
The land is good quality grassland divided in two fields. Access is via a right of way located just off the R164.
Leased on a 15 year rental term which commenced on 1st February 2020 until 31st January 2034, with a rent review after 7 years, on 1st February 2027.
Rental Lease and terms available on request.
Water supply from River.
Farm buildings not included.
From Kells, travel out the Kells/Moynalty Road for c.4km. Pass Murray Ward accountants on the left, continue for 600m, see sign on the left hand side. Turn left up the track, veer left, the land is through the gate as sign posted.