Land, Saintfield Town Hill,
Grange View, Saintfield, BT24 7NQ
Agricultural Land
Offers Around £120,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Agricultural Land
Property Financials
Offers Around £120,000
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The land is approached just off the Grange development in Saintfield.
On the area plan the land has been classed as LLPA which states the following:
LLPA 3 Town Hill
localised hill steep sided drumlin in centre of built up area and prominent in views from throughout the town and along approach roads;
area of local visual amenity importance free from built development above a certain height which may have been the commons for the 17th century town;
potential for accessible public recreation and open space within the centre of the village;
and one of a series of drumlins within and around the settlement which form part of the landscape setting of Saintfield
For further information please contact the office.