Land & Sites For Sale with Templeton Robinson (North Down)
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Offers Around £235,000
Site @, 4b Ballymullan Road, Crawfordsburn, Bangor, BT19 1JG
Site (with FPP)
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (North Down)
Offers Around £350,000
408 Coast Road, Larne, BT44 0BB
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (North Down)
Offers Around £85,000
Freeholding Building Site Adjacent To, 16 Drumreagh Road, Ballygow...Newtownards, BT23 6LJ
Site (with FPP)
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (North Down)
Offers Around £295,000
Site Adjacent To, 108 Crawfordsburn Road, Newtownards, BT23 4UJ
Building Site
Marketed by
Templeton Robinson (North Down)
Handy tools
4 properties found for Land & Sites For Sale with Templeton Robinson (North Down)