Land At Ballynahinch Road,
Industrial Land
Offers Around £1,500,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Industrial Land
Property Features
10.55 acres
Property Financials
Offers Around £1,500,000
Property Engagement
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- 10.55 acres of land, of which 8.55 acres lie within the development limit
- Frontage onto Ballynahinch Road
- Future development potential
The subject lands extend to 10.55 acres, of which 8.55 acres are located within the development limit. The lands front onto the A24 Ballynahinch Road which links Carryduff with Belfast. The lands are zoned as industrial within the area plan, however, there may be potential opportunity in the future to have these lands zoned as housing lands subject to the necessary planning procedures.
The subject site is located on the A24 Ballynahinch Road, approximately 0.8 miles from Carryduff and 7.1 miles from Belfast City Centre. Land use in the area comprises a mix of agricultural and commercial with residential to the rear. The land is situated close to a range of local shops and services.