Killyclug (lot 2),
Residential Land
Asking Price €750,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Residential Land
Property Financials
Asking Price €750,000
Property Engagement
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- • Highly visible development site
- • Comprising 4.72 acres of land
- • Full Planning Permission granted for the construction of 2 No. Commercial/Industrial/Office Units
- • All services abut the subject site, ie. Mains Water, ESB, Broadband
- The Planning Permission Entails:
- • U1a Office Accommodation
- • U2a Office Accommodation
Sherry FitzGerald Paul Reynolds are offering for sale
Approx. 4.72 Acres of Land with Full Plannig Permission granted
for the construction of 2 No. Commercial/Industrial/Office Units
The Proposed Development will offer potential to a range of occupies/users
when complete
Letterkenny is the largest and most populous town in County Donegal, located on the River Swilly. Along with the nearby city of Derry, it forms the major economic core of the north-west of Ireland. Letterkenny is renowned for its night-life. It has been identified as one of Europe's fastest growing towns by business owners. The town's major employers include the General Hospital, Pramerica, and the Department of Social and Family Affairs. There are 5 primary schools and 4 secondary schools in the town.
Letterkenny is well served by public transport. Bus Éireann and private coach companies operate a number of services to Dublin, Derry, and Galway. Two national primary roads serve the town: the N13 from the South (Stranorlar) and the N14 from the East (Lifford).