Junction Of Richmond Street,
Richmond Green, Buttevant, Cork, P51A8D7
10 Bed End-terrace House
Price €180,000
10 Bedrooms
Property Overview
For Sale
End-terrace House
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In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the above-mentioned Act and for the
reason set out in the First Schedule hereto, the Council of the County of Cork has by Order
dated 12/02/2024 decided to GRANT Permission for the development of land namely:
The development will comprise the carrying out of development, namely the provision of 5
No. apartment dwelling units. The development will comprise a change of use of existing
building (P51ABD7) to 2 No. apartment dwellings including all necessary alterations and
extension. Permission is also sought for the demolition of existing outbuilding/shed and to
construct a new building comprising 3 No. apartment dwellings, to include all necessary car
parking, connection & reconnection to existing site services, site boundaries and all
associated site development works.
Planning reference: 23/04755
Floor Area Schedule:
Apartment No. 1:
Type: 1/2 person studio
Position: ground floor/street level
Own door access
Overall floor area- 41.17m2
Kitchen/Living Area- 31.84m2
Storage- 4.23m2
Private yard area- 19.2m2
Apartment No. 2:
Type: 2 person apartment.
Position: First and second floors
Own door access
Overall floor area- 58.81m2
Kitchen/Living Area- 24.05m2
Bedroom area- 22.12
Storage- 3.91m2
Private area- 4.12m2
Apartment No. 3:
Type: 2 person apartment.
Position: Ground floor.
Own door access
Overall floor area- 44.31m2
Kitchen/Living Area- 23.47m2
Bedroom area 11.62m2
Storage- 4.76m2
Private area- 7.08m2
Apartment No. 4:
Type: 2 person apartment.
Position: Ground floor.
Own door access
Overall floor area- 66.32m2
Kitchen/Living Area- 31.96m2
Single bedroom- 7.50m
Double room- 11.40m
Storage- 4.93m2
Private area- 9.60m2
Apartment No. 5:
Type: 2 person apartment.
Position: first floor.
Own door access
Overall floor area- 43.34m2
Kitchen/Living Area- 26.59m2
Bedroom room- 11.40m
Storage- 3.0m2 (part of living area + bin at ground)
Private area- 5.90m0m2