- Suitable for a variety of alternative uses (subject to planning permission) with an attractive low capital value psf.
- Fronting the busy A25 with a good level of passing traffic and a strong catchment area.
- 0.9 acre corner site with building of c.4,500 sq ft.
- To be sold with the benefit of an Article 5(1)(a) Intoxicating Liquor Licence or offers for the site / property only.
The subject comprises an extensive bar / restaurant fitted to an impressive standard, all located on a site of c.0.9 acres. The accommodation contains several large open plan areas, to include restaurant, lounge bar, conservatory and a public bar together with a range of ancillary accommodation. Externally, there is a large customer car park together with a terrace and kid’s play area.
The property could easily be adapted for an alternative commercial use and the vendor will give consideration to separating the property and licence in two separate sales, if necessary.
The subject property occupies a highly prominent position on the main A25 linking Castlewellan and Rathfriland.
The site is located in Cabra, which is adjacent to Kilcoo in rural County Down. Belfast is located approximately 35 miles north and Newry is positioned only 15 miles south west. The property benefits from a large rural hinterland and a catchment area including Cabra, Kilcoo, Castlewellan, Rathfriland and Hilltown.
The subject currently benefits from planning permission for a bar / restaurant and given this existing use, we understand consideration would be given to alternative commercial uses (subject to planning) or a part residential / commercial proposal.