Gillstown Little,
Gillstown Little, Athboy
Asking Price €50,000
Property Overview
For Sale
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Property Features
0.5 acres
Property Financials
Asking Price €50,000
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REA TE Potterton welcome to the sales market a fabulous site located in a highly desirable area of Gillstown Little, Athboy.
The proposed site extends to 0.5 acres, with opportunity to acquire further lands and poses as a fabulous opportunity to construct a residential dwelling in a gorgeous rural setting, bounded by mature hedging and river with ample road frontage.
Positioned midway between Gillstown Little and Kilkeelan, the site offers wonderful Meath country living whilst retaining the convenience of Athboy town which lies approx. 4km away, providing all hospitality, educational and sporting opportunities.
Local housing need will apply.
All enquiries to Christie Smith.
These particulars are issued by REA T.E. Potterton on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through them. All descriptions, dimensions etc., included in these particulars, and any statements made by us or our representatives, are made in good faith but are not intended to form the basis for any contract. Any intending purchaser should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each before committing themselves to contract. Produced by permission of the OSI Licence No: AU0004823 SCSI. Floorplans, maps etc. are for identification purposes only, and although believed to be correct, accuracy is not in any way guaranteed. PSRA No. 00-1255