Extensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon RoadExtensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon RoadExtensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon Road
HomeCommercial Property For SaleNorthern IrelandCounty ArmaghCraigavon AreaPortadownExtensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon Road

Extensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon Road,

Portadown, BT63 3SF

Agricultural Land

Price £950,000

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Contact Lisney

+44 28 9050 1501

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For Sale

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Agricultural Land

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  • Property comprises a detached bungalow (in need of repair), a range of outbuildings and extensive lands on the edge of Portadown in an established residential/commercial area
  • House /Development Lands, currently overgrown, within development limit - c 2.9 acres
  • 'Hope' lands - c 5.6 acres
  • Agri lands - c 10.2 acres
  • Total area - c 18.7 acres

The subject property currently comprises a detached bungalow (in need of repair) and a range of outbuildings situated on an overgrown plot of land within the settlement limit (c.2.9 acres) shaded in red. Adjacent is a plot of what is considered to be ‘hope’ lands (c.5.6 acres), shaded in blue and beyond a further plot of agri lands (c.10.2 acres) shaded in green.
The lands are irregularly shaped, are level and accessed off the Mahon Road.

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