Extensive Development, 'Hope' And Agri Lands, C. 18.7 Acres 55 Mahon Road,
Portadown, BT63 3SF
Agricultural Land
Price £950,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Agricultural Land
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- Property comprises a detached bungalow (in need of repair), a range of outbuildings and extensive lands on the edge of Portadown in an established residential/commercial area
- House /Development Lands, currently overgrown, within development limit - c 2.9 acres
- 'Hope' lands - c 5.6 acres
- Agri lands - c 10.2 acres
- Total area - c 18.7 acres
The subject property currently comprises a detached bungalow (in need of repair) and a range of outbuildings situated on an overgrown plot of land within the settlement limit (c.2.9 acres) shaded in red. Adjacent is a plot of what is considered to be ‘hope’ lands (c.5.6 acres), shaded in blue and beyond a further plot of agri lands (c.10.2 acres) shaded in green.
The lands are irregularly shaped, are level and accessed off the Mahon Road.