Banduff House, And Lands,
Rathcooney Road , Banduff, Ballyvolane, Cork, T23W3VC
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Property Partners Matt Fallon in conjunction with Daniel Flemming Auctioneers, are delighted to present this fantastic opportunity. The Property Comprises of two folios of zoned development land circa. 53 acres with a dilapidated traditional farmhouse and some outbuildings on the northern periphery of Cork City. The land enjoys extensive road frontage and access to all services.
The property comprises two folios of zoned development land, totalling circa 53 acres with a two story Farmhouse (fire damaged) and some outbuildings on the northern periphery of Cork City. The land enjoys extensive road frontage and access to all services. It is currently in grass.
The lands are situated on the Northern periphery of Cork City. Cork is Ireland’s second city with a population of circa 250,000 people in the metropolitan area. It is located on Ireland’s Southern coastline, centred on a large natural harbour and surrounded by a rich agricultural hinterland. Cork is a prosperous area with a diverse economy featuring manufacturing, food production, technology, pharmaceuticals, education, and healthcare. It enjoys good communications, both nationally and internationally and easy access to markets and resources.
Location assessment
The lands form part of the Ballyvolane Urban Expansion Area (UEA) as designated in the Cobh Municipal District Local Area Plan 2017. The 2017 Municipal District Local Area Plans identified nine Urban Expansion Areas throughout Cork County. These are areas that are in principle capable of delivering significant housing output. The planning and implementation strategy to secure the delivery of these sites was identified as a priority for the lifetime of the Local Area Plans. The Ballyvolane expansion area is the closest UEA to Cork City Centre.
The lands are less than 3km from Cork City Centre which is the primary employment, retail, commercial and social core in the South-West of Ireland. It is also within easy access of the secondary strategic employment locations of Kilbarry and Blackpool which include various employment opportunities at North Point Business Park, City North Business Park, Blackpool Retail Park and Shopping Centre and Kilbarry Business Park.
There is a significant amount of established industrial land in Cork City North Environs. Blackpool Shopping Centre is located approximately 2km to the South-West of the site. This is anchored by Dunnes Stores and offers a range of convenience and comparison shopping in smaller stores. Ballyvolane District Centre is located less than 1.5km to the South of the site. Existing facilities in the District Centre include Dunnes Stores and smaller retail units and Lidl. Generally, the North Environs is well served by social and sporting facilities. There are a number of GAA clubs including Na Piarsaigh, Glen Rovers Club, St Vincent’s, Delaney’s and Mayfield, soccer clubs such as Leeds AFC, Castleview A.F.C, Temple United AFC and Mayfield United. Other leisure and sports facilities include the Glen Sports and Resource Centre, Mayfield Leisure Centre and Riverview Health and Fitness.
In terms of open space provision, Nash’s Boreen amenity walk extends from Nash’s Boreen up to Hollyhill approximately 2km in length emerging just across from Apple Distribution and Operations (Apple Inc. Campus). The Glen Park and Kempton Park are also in close proximity. It is noted in the Municipal District LAP that the majority of lands zoned open space are undeveloped or are of no practical use to the public, as they are made up mainly of farmland or vacant grassland with a significant portion of the land steeply sloping.
Main characteristics
The property comprises approximately 50 acres of land and a derelict house situated on either side of a minor local road. The land is traversed in its northern section by a single high tension electricity line. The lands are divided into typical fields of between 2 and 8 acres. There is a 19th century farmhouse called Banduff House on the lands. This is derelict and has not been lived in for many years apparently. The lands are mainly in grass with excellent road frontage on both sides. The lands slope down from North to South and are laid out in 5 principal divisions.