

Cappgh, Dungarvan, Waterford



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Outstanding and top quality non-residential farm consisting of, circa 80 acres, (33 hectares), of high quality limestone land and a range of dairy farm buildings, situated six kilometres on the west side of Dungarvan town. Currently set out in equally balanced paddocks of lush grassland with well established pathways serving the land, all with access to the farm buildings at the centre of the holding. The entire farmland is currently in grass with the very best of Limestone land and natural drainage. There is substantial road frontage on two sides of the holding on the east and north side, with road frontage on the N72 Dungarvan/Lismore roadway.This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a high calibre dairy farm in a well known dairy farm area, which could also be developed to other uses, ideally set out for a possible equestrian business. Potential is immediately apparent with open plan fields that can be easily worked, and the easy access to the farm buildings situated in the centre of the holding. Contact Auctioneers for Maps, further details and viewing arrangements.Viewing Strictly by Appointment.Farm Buildings, (General).The Dairy Farm buildings comprise of a range of modern farm buildings, milking parlour, dairy, calf sheds and a newly constructed machinery and storage shed, all centred around a good sized farmyard with gated yards over slatted units. The cubicles all lead to the modern slatted yard with automatic scrapers accessing the slatted areas from each cubicle shed. There is a newly constructed farm machinery shed to the west side of the farmyard with adequate space for machinery and storage. All the buildings are closely situated close to each other around a concrete based farmyard with easy access to all the land from the south, north and west side.Milking Parlour & Dairy.Situated at the centre of the farm buildings with cow waiting yard, gated access to the slatted units and gated to the farmyard and grassland. The milking parlour milks has the capacity to milk five cows at either side and has close access to the Dairy.Cubicle Sheds.There are five cubicle sheds side by side, four with automated scrapers and one without. At the front of each shed there are slatted units with the option of opening out across the front of each shed or individualising each shed. There is a total internal space of approximately 5,000sq.ft. (465m²), of cubicle space. Calf Sheds.There are two calf sheds situated at the front of the Dairy, again with close access to the cattle crush and the main farmyard.Machinery/Storage/Hay Shed.There is a substantial modern open hay shed/machinery shed/storage shed, situated on the west side of the farmyard with direct access to all the other sheds, across from the slatted units, milking parlour and calf sheds, see farm building layout. Silage Pit/Slab.The main silage slab is situated at the east side, at rear of the cubicle building, with concrete yard to the front and concrete access to all the farm buildings and the main farmyard.Contact Details.For further details, maps and viewing arrangements contact us on any of the contact details below.- Office Phone; 058 51000. - Mobile number; 086-8455476.- Office address; 1 Meagher Street, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. ___________________________________________________________________________NOTE.DNG Morrissey properties, for themselves and for the Vendors or Lessors of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that; 1. The particulars contained herein are set out as a general outline for the guidance of intending purchasers or tenants, and do not constitute any part of any offer or contract and are not in any way legally binding. 2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. 3. No person in the employment of DNG Morrissey Properties has the authority to make or give representation or warranty whatever in relation to this development. 4. The particulars contained herein are confidential and are given on the strict understanding that all negotiations shall be conducted through DNG Morrissey Properties. 5. DNG Morrissey Properties disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct and/or indirect loss or damage which may be suffered by any recipient through relying on any particular contained in or omitted from the aforementioned particulars.___________________________

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