Adj 285 Moyarget Road,
Deffrick, Ballymoney, BT53 8EH
Fantastic Building Site with OPP
Offers Around £50,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Building Site (with OPP)
Outline Planning Permission
Property Financials
Offers Around £50,000
Property Engagement
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A very wise man once said "buy ground because they arent making it anymore" and that my friends is particuarly true in this case because this building site is the last of its kind to be passed along the B67 Moyarget Road #truestory
Outline Planning Permission granted for Detached Dwelling
Ref: LA01/2021/05690/O
An absolutely amazing self build opportunity not to be missed for anyone interested in building the house of their dreams from the ground up
Alternatively an ideal venture for a small time builder after a well located site for a one off build
Beautiful and scenic location with uninterupted views towards Knocklayde & the surrounding countryside
Architect: Bailey Architecture, Ballycastle
Remember we are here to help and can offer self build mortgage/financing advice