160 -162 Longstone Street,
Lisburn, BT28 1TT
Retail Unit
Let agreed
Property Overview
Let Agreed
Retail Unit
Property Features
Energy Rating
Property Financials
Last listed at £8,500 per year
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Ground floor retail premises situated in a parade of 4 other shops under catwalk flats. The unit benefits from off road customer parking directly outside. Internally the unit has fire detection system, emergency lighting, fire doors and lighting. The unit has suspended ceilings and plaster/painted walls. There is a small outside gated area to the side of the unit
The Premises are situated on Longstone Street – a secondary retailing area of Lisburn on the A3 arterial route from Moira to Lisburn. It is adjacent to the Tonagh estate which is situated close to Lisburn City Centre. Other occupiers include Ziggicigs, Centra, Prices Butchers and Allsorts Hardware.
Accommodation (Approx):
Ground Floor: 92.47 sqm 995 sqft
The unit is available by way of a new lease for a term not less than 1 year or exceeding 20 years on a Full Repairing Lease
In the region of £8,500 p.a.
We are advised by the Land & Property Services of the following:
Net Annual Value: £9,000
Rates Payable 2024/2025 : £4,924 p.a.
Uses Considered:
All retail trades considered with the exception of those being carried out in the other units in the parade and Hot Food Use.
Further Information:
Please contact N.I.H.E. Commercial Property on 02895982403
or email [email protected]