Room2, 32-38 Queen Street,
Belfast, BT1 6EE
Offers Over £21,200,000
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Offers Over £21,200,000
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- The aparthotel is let to Southampton Apartment Hotels OPCO Limited trading as room2 with a parent guarantee from The Agate Properties Limited.
- Leased for a term of 25 years with a break option at year 20, from 11th October 2023 at a current passing rent of £1,300,000 per annum which reflects £7,429 per room. The tenant has the right to renew the lease for a further 10 years on expiry.
- room2 are striving to provide Net Zero accommodation across their aparthotel portfolio. The property has an EPC rating of A21 and is one of the greenest extended stay properties in Europe.
room2 Belfast is an exceptional new aparthotel development which achieved practical completion in October 2023. The building extends over nine storeys with 175 guest bedrooms and ensuite facilities, a number of the rooms also include a kitchenette area. Additional accommodation within the aparthotel includes the main reception, four collaborative event spaces, chill out zone, restaurant & bar, tearoom, art gallery, gym area, laundry room, cycle store, W/C facilities and associated back of house space.
In terms of M&E the property is serviced by two lifts, heating and cooling is provided by an air source heat pump. The building services have been designed to be fully electric in their operation. All energy lighting is LED and appliances are A rated, where available.