57 Clarendon Street,
Derry, BT48 7ER
Asking Price £15,000 per year
Property Overview
To Let
Property Financials
Asking Price £15,000 per year
Lease Term
12 months minimum
Paid by Tenant
Property Engagement
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The property has been well maintained, has oil fired central heating & is imediate occupation is available
Seven Offices
Opened plan reception room on ground floor
Oil fired central heating
Located in the commercial sector
Highly accessible to City Centre, University & Brooke Park
In close proximity to Foyle Street transport hub
Ready for immediate occupation
Hardwood front door to vestibule porch
Vestibule porch - Tiled floor, glass panelled door to main reception
Main Reception - 19’2” x 23’8” - Open plan reception area with built in shelving, desk and filing drawers, carpet floor covering, stairs down to kitchen
Kitchen - 7’7” x 17’9” (approx.) - Tiled floor, single drainer sink unit, door to rear yard, stairs down to basement
Basement - 18’8” x 17’ (to widest points) - Lino floor covering, shelving & storage
1st Floor Return - Stained glass panelled door to hallway, leading to ladies and gents toilets (each toilet with WC and wash hand basin)
1st Floor
Office 1: 10’8” x 12’2” Carpet floor covering, blinds, desk?, storage cabinets
Office 2: 12’3” x 17’ (approx.) Carpet floor covering, blinds, high skirting boards, cornicing and centre piece to ceiling, chandelier light fitting
2nd Floor
Office 3: 12’ x 11’2” Carpet floor covering, blinds
Office 4 : 12’2” x 19’4” Carpet floor covering, blinds, cornicing to ceiling
3rd Floor
Office 5: 14’10” x 15’ (Approx) - Carpet floor covering, built in desk & storage
Office 6: 9’ x 12’1”
Office 7: 6’5” x 12’6” (to widest points) velux windows
Yard to rear with access to mews lane
Oakland Estate Agents have not tested any plumbing, electrical or structural elements including appliances within this home. Please satisfy yourself as to the validity of the performance of same by instructing the relevant professional body or tradesmen. Access will be made available.
Oakland Estate Agents for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are given notice that: (I) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute part of an offer or contract; (II) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (III) no person in the employment of Oakland Estate Agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property.