Well presented three bedroom terraced house in a quiet residential area. Close to all local amenities and walking distance to Larne Main Street. Early viewing recommended.?
Living Room with fireplace. Kitchen Family bathroom Three good sized bedrooms Yard to the back with storage shed Off street parking space Garden to front of property
The speeds indicated on our checker represent the maximum estimated fixed-line speeds as predicted by the network operators providing services in a particular area. Please note that these are estimates, and actual service availability and speeds received at a given property may differ.
Besides fixed-line services, options for 4G, 5G, or satellite broadband may be available at the address, contingent upon the necessary hardware. These alternatives are not reflected in the checker's estimates.
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Property To Rent in BT40 1SG | Property To Rent in BT40 | Property To Rent in Larne | Property To Rent in County Antrim | Property To Rent in Larne Area | Best Lets and Sales*³ The speeds indicated on our checker represent the maximum estimated fixed-line speeds as predicted by the network operators providing services in a particular area. Please note that these are estimates, and actual service availability and speeds received at a given property may differ. Besides fixed-line services, options for 4G, 5G, or satellite broadband may be available at the address, contingent upon the necessary hardware. These alternatives are not reflected in the checker's estimates.