13 Barrack Street,
Belfast, BT12 4AH
Residential Land (with OPP)
Offers Around £275,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Residential Land (with OPP)
Outline Planning Permission
Property Features
0.46 acres
Property Financials
Offers Around £275,000
Property Engagement
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The subject is a residential development site of c. 0.46 acres, with Outline Planning Permission granted for 4 townhouses (Ref: LA04/2022/0777/0).
The site comprises a total area of c. 0.46 acres and is level in landform, with access directly off Barrack Street.
The site is currently overgrown and comprises a number of disused portacabins, previously connected to the sites former use as a daycare nursery. At the northern boundary of the site are 2 no. 48 sheet advertising hoardings which are currently producing a licence income of £1,800 per annum.
There may be an opportunity to increase the number of units on the site, subject to a further planning application.
The subject property is located on Barrack Street, off Divis Street and adjacent to the A12 Westlink.
The site is located in an area of high demand for housing, while there are a range of other uses including St Mary’s Primary School, Edmund Rice Schools Trust and Belfast Metropolitan College (Millfield).
The site has excellent accessibility to the wider road network and is approximately 250 m from Belfast City Centre.
The site is accessed via vehicular entrance gates, off Barrack Street.
For further information please see attached brochure, or to arrange a viewing please contact Brian Wilkinson or Ben Escott.