'Craigs', 57 Castle Street'Craigs', 57 Castle Street'Craigs', 57 Castle Street

'Craigs', 57 Castle Street,

Ballycastle, BT54 6AS


Offers Over £145,000

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  • Extends to c. 296.0 m²
Ballycastle is a popular seaside town on the North Antrim Coast which has once again been named the Best Place To Live in Northern Ireland by The Sunday Times. The town lies within the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the centre of the A2 Causeway Coast tourist drive route with all the attractions of the Glens of Antrim to the south and the Causeway Coast to the west. It is well established as a good commuter town and a strong tourist destination in its own right with a good range of cafes, shops and other notable leisure and amenity facilities.

The property now available for purchase in its own right very central, dating back to the earliest formation of the town centre as a destination for trade as a regional hub, specifically in this case of this property c. 1785 to 1795 in all likelihood. As such the townscape is very appealing and the property itself none less so.

The internal layout is now comprised of a sizeable shop with former house to the right (now converted to retail and offices use) The rear yard has a modern garage and upper floor commercial space that could be easily converted to residential use if desired of course or the whole entirely expanded into a larger commercial unit in tits entirety with partial redevelopment (Subject to planning)

Other existing trade within the town now includes multiples such as Co-op, Spar, and The Original Factory Shop and a range of strong independents including McListers, Ursa Minor and other local cafes, garden centres, pubs, gift shops and restaurants. It has a real feel of community and uniqueness that is surely part of its attraction and charm.

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