Balliniska Road,
Derry/Londonderry, BT48 0NA
Retail Unit
£6 per sq ft
Property Overview
To Let
Retail Unit
Property Financials
£6 per sq ft
Lease Term
12 months minimum
Paid by Tenant
Property Engagement
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- In Popular Industrial Estate
- Very spacious
- Suitable for Office or Retail
We currently have three units available to rent in Springtown. These range in size from 1000 sq ft to 2200 sq ft.
The 2200 sq ft unit could be expanded to 3200 sq ft as it is beside one of the other available units.
Price per sq ft ranges from £5.50 to £6.75 per sq ft – VAT and rates are not included in this.
Property Link (NI ) Ltd for themselves and for the Vendor or Lessor of this property whose Agents they are, give notice that the particulars are produced in good faith and are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract and no person in the employment of Property Link (NI) ltd has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property.