Farm Land 46.78 Acres ( In One Or More Lots),
Kilmorna, Listowel
Price €525,000
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Non-residential holding to the market in one or more lots. The land is located some 7km from Listowel town off the Listowel (Kilmorna) Abbeyfeale road.Dillon Prendiville Auctioneers are delighted to offer this impressive non-residential holding to the market in one or more lots. The land is located some 7km from Listowel town off the Listowel (Kilmorna)/Abbeyfeale road. The land is primarily used for silage and grazing purposes and will appeal to a variety of discerning buyers due to availability in lots.
Plot A & B comprising of approximately 7 Acres - Part of KY21213 - Plan 11 & KY54382F with mains water sited on road but not connected.
Plot C & D comprising of approximately 25 Acres - KY34868 - Plan 6 & Part of KY21213 - Plan 11 with wayleave for water main and connection - no water connected - sited on the road but not connected.
KY34868 - Plan 9 & 10 comprising of 14.78 Acres with mains water connection.
The Entire in one lot is also available.
For maps and additional details please contact Sole Selling Agents Dillon Prendiville Auctioneers 068-21739 (Photographs for identification use only).