- To Let (May Sell)
- Prominent Warehouse Unit With Yard and Adjoining Compound
- c. 6,579 sq ft (c. 611 sq m)
The accommodation provides for a large warehouse facility to include offices and ancillary staff facilities. The property is finished to a high specification with security fencing and automated entrance gates. The unit also benefits from a concrete surfaced external yard with an additional c. 0.7 acres of undeveloped land (total site area c. 1.7 acres).
Lease Details
Term: 10 year FRI lease
Rent Review: Every 5th year
Rental: £70,000 per annum exclusive
* Consideration given to letting the compound separately.
Sale Details
Guide price on application.
Warehouse - c. 6,579 sq ft (c. 611 sq m)
Adjoining Compound* - c. 0.7 Acres (c. 0.283 Hectares)
Total Site Area c. - 1.7 Acres c. (0.728 Hectares)
The property is situated on Trench Road, Mallusk approximately ¼ of a mile from the Sandyknowes intersection of the M2 Motorway and 8 miles from Belfast city centre. The location provides convenient access to Belfast City and International Airport as well as the ports of Belfast and Larne and a wide road network.