9 Lanyon Place9 Lanyon Place9 Lanyon Place

9 Lanyon Place,

Belfast, BT1 3LP

Office (148,900 sq ft)

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+44 28 9020 5900

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The subject property is a modern 'Landmark' office building arranged over ground and five upper floors which are broadly rectangular in shape with 2 light wells and a central core from which 4 no. high speed lifts serves the upper levels. Male and Female shower and WC facilities are located at each level.<br/><br/>Each suite has good levels of natural lighting and is fitted out to a high standard to include gas fired air conditioning, suspended ceilings with recessed lighting, plastered / painted walls and raised access flooring with carpet tile covers.<br/><br/>Whilst predominantly open plan, the space has a range of private offices, meeting rooms, break out areas and canteen facilities throughout each floor.

The subject property is a modern 'Landmark' office building arranged over ground and five upper floors which are broadly rectangular in shape with 2 light wells and a central core from which 4 no. high speed lifts serves the upper levels. Male and Female shower and WC facilities are located at each level.

Each suite has good levels of natural lighting and is fitted out to a high standard to include gas fired air conditioning, suspended ceilings with recessed lighting, plastered / painted walls and raised access flooring with carpet tile covers.

Whilst predominantly open plan, the space has a range of private offices, meeting rooms, break out areas and canteen facilities throughout each floor.

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