9 Lake Side Village9 Lake Side Village9 Lake Side Village

9 Lake Side Village,

Castleblayney, A75R681

2 Bed Ground Floor Apartment

Offers Over €110,000

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

1 Reception

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Contact Collins & Collins Estate Agents


+44 28 3026 6602


11 Marcus Street, Newry, BT34 1ET

Mon to Fri: 9:00am- 5:00pm

Sat to Sun: Closed

Property Overview


For Sale


Ground Floor Apartment







Property Features


74.3 sq m (800 sq ft)


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Energy Rating

BER rating D2


Electric Storage Heaters

Property Financials


Offers Over €110,000

Stamp Duty


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property description image

Superb ground floor 2 bedroom apartment in an Excellent location close to all facilities and amenities. Accommodation comprises of a entrance porch fronted by a grass amenity area. Practical kitchen with a range of high and low level units with an opening to a large living /dining area. 2 No double bedrooms and a large bathroom. Located on the outskirts of Castleblayney Co.Monaghan with a 3/4 minutes walk to town centre.

Viewing highly recommended.

Entrance Porch: 1m x 1.2m - Wooden front door. Laminate wooden flooring. Storage cupboards. Power point.

Kitchen / Diner / Living: 6m x 5.2m - Range of high and low kitchen units. Electric hob & oven. Plumbed for washing   machine. Extractor fan. Tiled floor in kitchen. Tiled walls around work area. Power points. Laminate flooring in living room. Bay window. Open fireplace with Mahogany surround. Economy 7 electric radiator.

Utility Room / Store: 1.1m x 1.2m - Located to front. Plumbed for washing. machine.

Bedroom 1: 3.9m x 2.6m - Situated to the rear of the property. Laminate wooden flooring. T.V point. Economy 7 electric radiator. Power points.

Bedroom 2: 2.8m x 2.8m - Situated to the rear of the property. Laminate wooden flooring. T.V point. Economy 7 electric radiator. Power points.

Bathroom: 1.5m x 1.8m - White suite. Tiled floor. Tiled walls. bath. W.C. Wash hand basin. Extractor fan.

Outside Store: Lockable outside store located under stairs to the front of property.

Outside: Tarmac parking space. Large shared amenity garden areas to front, side and rear.

These particulars are given on the understanding that they will not be construed as part of a contract lease or agreement. The information given is believed to be correct, but we give no guarantee as to it’s accuracy and enquirers must satisfy themselves as to the description and measurements.

Solicitors: Tiernan & Co Solicitors, Dundalk Co.Louth. Tel: 00353 429332362 - Who can advise legal tutle and management company.


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