87.11 Acres, Of Agricultural Land,
Derrineden, Waterville
Agricultural Land
Guide Price €400,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Land Type
Agricultural Land
Property Financials
Guide Price €400,000
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- Land
Set in a quiet rural location east of Waterville village is 35.25 Hectares/ 87.11 acres of agricultural land with stone ruin partly roofed at Derrineden., being 10KM to Waterville village. The land bounds both sides of the road, most of the land is around the stone ruin and onto the hill behind which bounds onto a secondary road above Mastergeehy old Post Office. Currently the land is being used for sheep grazing. There is a grassy road leading partly up to the land and stone ruin which could have potential for a dwelling house, from a planning permission point of view for the stone ruin it would be an advantage for the applicant to farm the land and it would need to be the applicant’s primary place of residence in order to fulfil Kerry County Councils planning criteria to live in a rural area. There are lovely views across to Waterville Lake from the stone ruin and of the countryside. In addition there are 34.46 BPS entitlements including Greening being sold with the land. Inviting offers.