C. 3.7497 Acres Of Land InC. 3.7497 Acres Of Land InC. 3.7497 Acres Of Land In

C. 3.7497 Acres Of Land In,

Ballinageeragh, Dunhill

Agricultural Land

Asking Price €60,000

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Contact Sherry Fitzgerald John Rohan

PSR Licence: 001001

+353 51 843 880

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For Sale

Land Type

Agricultural Land

Property Financials


Asking Price €60,000

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C. 3.7497 Acres Of Land located in Ballinageeragh, in the townsland of Dunhill. It lies North-West of Dunhill Village and is of Freehold interest. The land is zoned agriculture.

Dunhill is a small rural parish with a population of 1,800. It lies c. 16km south-west of Waterford City, c. 11km north-west of Tramore and 35km north-east of Dungarvan. The main access route to Dunhill is via the R681, which provides several points of entry to Dunhill. The R681 connects to the N25 Cork – Waterford – Rosslaire Road. This also provides the village with an easy route to the M9 Dublin motorway.

The village offers serval amenities within Dunhill Eco Park which accommodates a wide range of businesses and services including but not limited to Artisan Food and Beverages, Plant Hire, Hairdressing and Beauty Salon and Child Play Therapy. The Anne Valley is a popular scenic route of c. 5km, which runs from Dunhill to Annestown alongside the Anne River.

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