Between 25-69, New Harbour RoadBetween 25-69, New Harbour RoadBetween 25-69, New Harbour Road

Between 25-69, New Harbour Road,

Portavogie, Newtownards, BT22 1EB

Commercial Land

Offers Over £99,950

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+44 28 9188 4400

10 High Street, Donaghadee, BT21 0AA

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For Sale

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Commercial Land

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Offers Over £99,950

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property description imageThis land, of just over one acre, is situated within the Settlement Limit of Portavogie in the Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 (Map No. 2/016a) and shown as ‘white` land.

As a general guide we have provided indicative plans showing two different possible options which are both subject to the usual approvals (you are free to consider your own) – no planning applications have been made.

As part of the sale conditions, the purchaser will need to allow our client access from New Harbour Road through this land to the owner`s remaining holding beyond for agricultural use; that land is zoned as `Local Landscape Policy Area` (see Map No. 2/016b of the Ards and Down Area Plan 2015).

[LLPA 1 Area of rough grassland south of New Harbour Road.
* valuable area of local amenity importance which forms attractive vista on southern approach to Portavogie;
* nature conservation importance - coastal strip designated as part of Outer Ards ASSI; and
* designated to protect this area of undeveloped coast from undesirable or damaging development.]

Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items. All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.

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