7 Smithfield Square,
Lisburn, BT28 1TH
Offers Around £325,000
Property Overview
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Offers Around £325,000
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A well established and successfully trading public house for sale as a going concern to include licence goodwill fixtures and fittings, for sale due to retirement.<br/><br/>Price includes liquor licence. offers for alternative use without licence will be considered.
A well established and successfully trading public house for sale as a going concern to include licence goodwill fixtures and fittings, for sale due to retirement, after around 50 years in the business.Price includes liquor licence. offers for alternative use without licence will be considered.
The Hertford Arms occupies a prominent location on the one way system within Lisburn city centre.
It presently trades as a licenced public house and occupies a large site offering huge potential to develop the leisure offering further perhaps for a combined restaurant and bar use. The licence permits the sale of 'intoxicating liquor either in or off the premises'.
The business has a loyal clientele and generates a steady annual turnover. Trading accounts will only be provided on email application to [email protected].
The property presently has both the main public bar and an extensive first floor lounge area, with separate toilet provision on each level. There is oil fired heating and the public bar has a brick fireplace and cosy open fire.
Tenure: Freehold
- Porch
- Public Bar 14.0m x 4.15m
- Mahogany bar with granite top. Bench seating. Open fire. Tiled floor.
- Rear hall
- Stairs to first floor level.
- Disabled toilet
- Mens toilet
- Ladies toilet
- Fire escape
- First floor lounge 6.46m x 6.07m
- L shaped. Mahogany bar with granite top. plus 5.14 x 3.56
- Office 2.4m x 1.1m
- Mens toilet
- Ladies toilet
- Yard
- Rear outbuilding 23.0m x 7.6m
- Stores with scope to redevelop. Oil fired boiler. Cold room.
- Rates payable
- From LPSNI - NAV of £6800.00, with rates payable of £3577.79