- Newly Refurbished Offices Suites
- From c. 2,000 - 8,000 sq ft
- Show floor fully fitted and furnished
- Also available For Sale
This modern 6 storey building has been refurbished throughout providing quality bespoke offices suites, fitted to an occupiers’ requirements. Finishes will include:
Refurbished entrance lobby to include smart technology access controls
Refurbished w.c facilities
LED strip lighting (or equivalent)
Gas central heating
Carpet finishes
Power distribution
600x600 suspended ceiling grids or exposed if desired
The show floor has been fully furnished to include 24 desks, boardroom and kitchen/breakout area.
2nd to 5th Floors (per floor) - 2,000 sq ft (186 sq m)
Sale/Leasing Details
Available on request.
Service Charge
Each occupier shall pay a proportionate amount in relation to the upkeep of common areas, maintenance of the exterior etc.
EPC Range: B41 - D85
The subject property is prominently located on the Dublin Road which offers easy access to the city centre, the new Belfast Transport Hub, Botanic rail halt and Queen's University. The locality offers a commercial mix of offices, restaurants and retail and provides an attractive working environment for companies and their staff. As a major thoroughfare from the south of the City Hall, Dublin Road also offers excellent public transport linkages to the wider Belfast area.