Building Site, Between 51 And 53 Buckshead Road,
Annadorn, Downpatrick, BT30 8JR
Building Plot
Offers Around £50,000
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For Sale
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Building Plot
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Offers Around £50,000
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Outline planning permission has been granted under appeal for a single storey dwelling with a ridge height no greater than 6 meters above ground level at the lowest point within their footprint. As contained in decision no 2011/AO292 dated 29th October 2012 for three years.
The sale of the site affords the opportunity to acquire a site at a realistic price for those wishing to build their own idea home.
- An opportunity exists to acquire this freehold building site extending to 0.27 of an acre or therabouts set on a slightly elevated position enjoying views over the surrounding countryside. Outline planning permission has been granted under appeal for a single storey dwelling with a ridge height no greater than 6 metres above ground level at the lowest point within their footprint. As contained in decisiion no 2011/AO292 dated 29th October 2012 for three years.The sale of the site affords the opportunity to acquire a site at a realistic price for those wishing to build their own idea home.
- Offers Around ?50,000
- Anytime
- From Annacloy take Loughinisland Road about 2 miles. Turn left at Buckshead into Annadorn Road and proveed about 1 1/2 miles. The site is on the left hand side.
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- Tim Martin & Company for themselves and for the vendors of this property have endeavoured to prepare these sales details as accurate and reliable as possible for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees. These particulars are given for general guidance only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The seller and us as agents, do not make any representation or give any warranty in relation to the property. We would recommend that all information contained in this brochure about the property be verified by yourself or professional advisors. Services, fittings and equipment referred to in the sales details have not been tested (unless otherwise stated) and no warranty will be given as to their condition. All measurements contained within this brochure are approximate. Please contact us prior to viewing the property. If there is any point of particular importance to you we would be pleased to provide additional information or make further enquiries. We will also confirm that the property remains available. This is particularly important if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
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- Building Site extending to 0.27 of an acre available on Buckshead Road, Downpatrick (21005)-?50,000, please call Tim Martin on 028 9187 8956