33b Comber Road,
Dundonald, BT16 2AA
Retail Unit (704 sq ft)
£11,000 per year
Property Overview
To Let
Retail Unit
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Property Features
65.4 sq m (704 sq ft)
Energy Rating
Property Financials
£11,000 per year
Property Engagement
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The building comprises an electric roller shutter with a framed shop front. Internally there is laminated flooring, plastered and painted walls and suspended ceilings with LED lighting.
The ground floor provides an open plan sales area with understairs storage. Stairs lead to the first floor which is divided into four office rooms and WC.
Most recently in use as offices, this unit would be suitable for a number of different uses subject to any necessary planning consents.
Available immediately.
The subject occupies a prominent location within Dundonald as part of a parade of shops.
The A22 Comber Road is a busy thoroughfare with a high level of passing trade and a large residential population in the immediate vicinity. Occupiers in area include Urban Beauty & Skincare, Man Barbershop, MIS Claims and Spar.
There is nearby on-street parking and public transport available.
For further details please see attached brochure, or to arrange a viewing please contact Brian Wilkinson or Ben Escott on 02890 500100