300-302 Antrim Road,
Glengormley, BT36 5EG
Mixed Use (3,426 sq ft)
Offers Around £225,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Mixed Use
Property Features
318.3 sq m (3,426 sq ft)
Energy Rating
Property Financials
Offers Around £225,000
Property Engagement
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The property occupies a highly prominent location fronting onto the Antrim Road in the centre of Glengormley, approximately 6 miles north of Belfast City Centre.
The location is highly accessible due to its proximity, to Junction 4 of the M2 Motorway at Sandyknowes and A8 Larne Road.
Local parking and public transport available.
The ground floor retail unit consists of an open plan sales area with rear store and WC.
The offices are accessed directly from Antrim Road via communal lobby with stairwell access to each floor and are available with minimal ingoing expenditure.
Within the first floor there is an open plan office area, two private offices, a kitchen and two WC’s. The second floor comprises of another open plan office area, two private offices and two WC’s.
Previously occupied by a charity, this office would be perfect for a number of different uses, subject to gaining the necessary planning consents.
For further information please see attached brochure, or to arrange a viewing please contact Scott Lawther or Ben Escott on 02890 500100.