24 Cromac Place,
Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JB
Office (115,000 sq ft)
Price from £7,500,000
Property Overview
For Sale
Property Features
10,683.8 sq m (115,000 sq ft)
Property Financials
Price from £7,500,000
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The property comprises a five-storey office building which benefits from an adjoining multi-storey car park providing 122 car parking spaces. The ground floor comprises of an entrance lobby, staff restaurant and meeting rooms.
The upper floors provide office accommodation around a central glass atrium. The offices are finished to include smooth plastered and painted walls, carpeted flooring, suspended ceilings, recessed LED lighting, gas central fired heating and air conditioning.
The exterior cladding on the building was removed and replaced in 2019 in order to improve the thermal efficiency and appearance of the building. The property further benefits from solar panels installed on the roof.
The subject property is located in the Gasworks Business Park in Belfast City Centre.
Situated off the Ormeau Road, approximately 5 minutes’ walk from Belfast City Hall and convenient to Lanyon Place Train Station, George Best Belfast City Airport and motorway infrastructure.
Occupiers in close proximity include The Gasworks Hotel, St. James’ Place and FinTrU.
The property is adjacent to the Lagan Tow Path/National Cycle Network and therefore helps promote active travel.