23 Gortrush Inustrial Estate,
Omagh, BT78 5EJ
Commercial Unit (7,500 sq ft)
Property Overview
To Let
Commercial Unit
Property Features
696.8 sq m (7,500 sq ft)
Property Financials
Lease Term
3 years minimum
Paid by Tenant
Property Engagement
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The subject unit occupies a prominent position within Gortrush Industrial Estate and is situated on the main estate access road.
The immediate vicinity comprises of mixed use units including retail, trade counters and distribution outlets.
This portal frame unit provides an open space retailing area with secondary area to the rear and has been completed to a good specification throughout. Access is provided through the main doors fronting the private carpark and warehouse service access through high head roller shutter.
Most recently occupied as a auto parts trade counter/warehouse, the unit enjoys retail area, extensive warehousing, office accommodation, staff facilities , all of which would be easily adaptable to suit new tenant requirements. The unit is located on a spacious tarmac site with ample car parking and bounded with security fencing and gates.This self-contained unit offers spacious accommodation with carparking and is ideal for a variety of uses including trade counters, retail warehousing/distribution outlet etc. (subject to planning and landlord approval)
Seldom does such an appealing property become available in this highly sought after location.
- Highly sought after location
- Frontage onto Estate Roads
- Local management
- Self-contained unit
- Strong existing occupier base in the immediate area
- Secure dedicated yard/ carparking
Ground Floor : circa 5800 sqft - subdivided to tradecounter, warehousing & office accomodation
First Floor : circa 1700 sqft - storage, office accomodation.
Energy Performance Certificate
Available on Request.
Lease Details
On application.
All prices, rentals and outgoings are quoted exclusive of but may be liable to VAT.
Further Information
Please contact:
Pollock Commercial LLP
36 High Street | Omagh | BT78 1BQ
028 8224 5440
All Images for illustration purposes only.Details contianed within this brochure should only used as a general guide. All interested parties should carry out there own enquiries.