2 Bedroom Apartment, 132 Crieve Mor Avenue,
Letterkenny, F92XTP3
2 Bed Apartment
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
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- A Energy Rating
- Triple Glazed Windows
- 100% Energy Efficient Lighting
- Quality Fitted Kitchens
- Quality Sanitaryware
- Up To 1GB High Speed Fibre Broadband To The House
- Quality Traditional Build
- Floor Coverings Throughout
- Quality Internal Doors
- Finished Driveways
- Beautiful Frontage Pillars and Grand Entrance Railings
- Open Winding Tree Lined Main Avenue
- Highly Insulated
- Geo-Thermal Air Source Heating System
- Air Tightness Tested
- Appliances
- Burglar Alarm
- Extensive Electrical Specification
- Wired for Smart TV and Media Pack Installation
- 10 Year Structural Guarantee
- Tiling to WHB, Baths and Showers
- Walls and Ceilings Painted
- Finished Lawns
- Extensively Landscaped Pleasant Openspaces
Don't miss your opportunity to secure today
Qualifies for Government backed “Help To Buy” Scheme. 2 Bedroom First Floor Apartment Total floor area 93 Sq m (1003 sq ft) Accommodation: Entrance hallway, Living room, Kitchen/dining area, 2 no. bedrooms, 1 ensuite and Bathroom
Letterkenny is the largest and most populous town in County Donegal, located on the River Swilly. Along with the nearby city of Derry, it forms the major economic core of the north-west of Ireland. Letterkenny is renowned for its night-life. It has been identified as one of Europe's fastest growing towns by business owners. The town's major employers include the General Hospital, Pramerica, and the Department of Social and Family Affairs. There are 5 primary schools and 4 secondary schools in the town.
Letterkenny is well served by public transport. Bus Éireann and private coach companies operate a number of services to Dublin, Derry, and Galway. Two national primary roads serve the town: the N13 from the South (Stranorlar) and the N14 from the East (Lifford).