Spacious premises with extensive yard.
Set in a prime location on Ballymoney’s busy High Street.
Good window frontage.
Rear access to car park.
Separate access from Linenhall Street.
Town centre location.
Rear enclosed yard.
Suitable for a range of uses including retail, offices, hairdressing, etc.
(Subject to any necessary approvals)
Lease Details
In the region of £150 per week.
Terms negotiable. (Average)
Rent Reviews:
Every 3 years.
Estimated Non Domestic Rate Bill: £3337.25
Tenants to pay rates.
Landlord to insure, tenant to reimburse.
Full repairing lease.
All outgoings and rentals are quoted exclusive of but may be liable to VAT.
Strictly by appointment through agent.
- Shop front/retail area/showroom
- 7.44m x 3.73m (24'5 x 12'3)
Period feature ceiling, light and power points, part wooden panelled wall, part tiled floor. - Workroom/store/office area
- 3.99m x 3.33m (13'1 x 10'11)
With light and power points, sink unit, tiled floor. - Utility Room/w.c.
- 3.23m x 2.26m (10'7 x 7'5)
With extractor fan, wash hand basin, 1 ½ bowl stainless steel sink unit. - Additional store to rear
- Including separate w.c with wash hand basin, light, sliding rear door with access to car park.
- Additional access from Linenhall Street.
The property is located in a prime location on the High Street in Ballymoney.