12 Cregagh Road,
Belfast, BT6 9EP
Retail Shop with upper floor storage/offices
Price £12,500 per year
Property Overview
To Let
Property Features
145.5 sq m (1,566 sq ft)
Property Financials
Price £12,500 per year
Property Engagement
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- Prominent commercial premises fronting onto Cregagh Road, East Belfast.
- Spacious 3-storey retail premises extending to c.1,566 Sq Ft.
- Suitable for a variety of commercial uses, subject to any statutory planning consents.
The property comprises a prominent retail premises extending over three stories. The ground floor consists of a front sales area with first and second floor storage/office space and wc facilities. The property benefits from an electric roller shutter door, glazed shop frontage.
The subject premises occupies a prominent and convenient location on the Cregagh Road, benefitting from a high volume of passing traffic, situated approximately 1.5 miles East of Belfast City Centre.
The property is located at the junction of Titania Street and Cregagh Road. Neabry occupiers include Kaffe O, Wyse Byse, B&M Bargains and Co-op Food.